Dec 1, 2020So just recently I started using archcraft linux. Without going too far into what that is: ArchCraft is a linux distrobution based on Arch. It comes precongigured with minmimal, yet tasteful packages and window managers. I really like the fact that it comes with a lot of "ricing" friendly packages. I wish I had this when I was younger and trying to figure out the right way to customize my linux system.
To the main point of this post: a l0bster distro. No this is not an OS, just a custom distro that includes some of the packages and configurations that we feel will support a l0bster oriented workflow. What would this entail exactly? Well for example: we would keep the packages and general bloat to a minimum. We use suckless stuff so most packages would be by them (DWM, SURF, ST, ETC). Right now nothing has been put into play, but I just wanted to put it out there as food for thought. hopefully this post will have an update...
Tags: #code #2f30 #l0bster